My Journey to a Suchi Life

A devout lover of the Lord, wife, mother of 4 beautiful children, Odissi dancer and teacher, my life’s transformation began in 2014.

My life turned a 180 degree turn after a heartfelt prayer and reconnection with myself while in an 8×8 cell at Charlotte County Jail. It was an uncomfortable extended stay detoxing from a decade long addiction to IV opiates and alcohol, but the Lord answered my prayer and set me up to soon be on a beautiful path of spiritual life, living purely free from all intoxicants, physically and spiritually.

I spent several years suffering from chronic liver disease due to nearly a decade of IV drug use. I was presented with a choice. To live, or die. The Lord in my heart told me to choose life. But I had to make a change. A big one. He then arranged for me to meet the man of my dreams, who supported me fully in my healing journey and introduced me to my teacher, who personally taught me how to transform my entire life.

Years of built up toxins and traumas were completely diffused by changing  my diet, my mindset and my association. Since starting this journey I have been on a purifying myself by clearing old conditioning, trauma responses, toxic patterns as well as incorporating a completely organic lifestyle supported by the knowledge given to me by my teacher, renowned Naturopath and Spiritual teacher, Dr. Karen Silberstein (Kamra Devi Dasi)

After almost a decade of sobriety on this sacred path of profound healing processes, I have learned revolutionary skills and techniques. There is just so much to share!

Whether you’re recovering from serious health conditions on the physical or spiritual platform or simply interested in learning more about the healing process and a natural lifestyle this knowledge is waiting for you. I welcome you to begin or continue your journey with Suchi Life.

– Lila-Svarupini

Material Resources on a Spiritual Path

We are the spiritual spark living within the body. We are not these bodies we are living in. We are spirit soul.

With this truth, our bodies still require maintenance. If want to elevate our lives, we must care for our bodies as a sacred temple for the Lord Himself, who lives within our hearts.

Nourishing our bodies and implementing regular self care is foundational for our success on our paths to self realization.

Organic foods, pure water, healing herbs and flowers, healthy oils, good quality vitamins and minerals can support our bodies to become and maintain strength. This knowledge used to be a core part of our education. Over the last century especially it has become a rarity to understand how to care for oneself without taking pharmaceuticals or OTC medicines.

Fortunately the world of Holistic Health, Ayurveda and Organic products are making a comeback in today’s world.
There are many resources that we can utilize to support ourselves to be in alignment with our goals physically and spiritually.

“We’ve all seen a tree reflected in a pond. The actual tree has its roots downward and its branches up, but the reflection has its roots upwards and branches downwards. The reflection is not the real tree. In the same way, the spiritual world is the reality, and the material world, where we now find ourselves, is the upside down reflection.”


Essential Practices of a Suchi Life

Our Bodies are Sacred

Just because we are not these bodies, does not mean we neglect them. We must take care proper of them. Our bodies are to be cleansed, cherished and cared for as if a Temple for the Lord. If the Lord lives within our hearts, we must take care as His very own Home.

Physical Health reflects our Mental and Emotional state

Many diseases and ailments start within the subtle body. Negative thought patterns can turn into dis-ease in the physical body.
It is possible to learn how to be aware of your internal workings that will support your both inner and outer healing.

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Suchi Life