Natural Support for Mama and Baby in the 4th Trimester
There is no time more important in a woman’s life than right after giving birth to her child.
Yet so few have access to real knowledge of how to heal from the birth, bond with her baby and support a proper diet and lifestyle that sets up both mama and baby for a life of vitality.
The gratitude I have for my teachers passing down such profound holistic knowledge of how to care for myself and my children is indescribable.
It is extremely unfortunate that so many have little access to real HEALTH care.
Luckily, there are resources out there that are becoming more widely accessible that support natural health and healing. Let me just confidently say that this website is designed as one of these gem like resources.
Let’s jump right into some of my biggest tips for new mothers to heal their bodies, bond with their babies, support their babies during sicknesses and colic and stay sane during the formative fourth trimester.
Baby massage
If you’re not familiar with homeopathics they are like dream medicines. Extremely affordable with remedies for everything from poison ivy, to gas pain, to ADHD, to nausea, fevers literally almost everything. And they’re $7 a bottle for a bunch of little doses. They are tiny little sweet pellets and the kids love them. Safe for adults and babies.